Chapter Five

Lucien Ravel as he told me was his full name sat next to me. I had come in early and so did he. I wondered what Clarice would say or how she would react if she came in and saw me sitting next to the most good looking person we both have ever laid eyes on.

“I texted you last night.“ He reminded me. “You didn't reply.“

I bit my lower lip. I had been so shocked to see his message that I didn't know what to say. “How did you get my number?“ I asked. “I did not give it to you.“

“I have my ways.“ He smiled. That good looking smile of his made my knees weak. “What are you doing this Saturday?“

Uh? I was dumbfounded. I only stared.

“I'm not asking you out on a date.“ He smiled at my reaction. “At least, not yet. I'm asking if you're free to practice more French?“

“French?“ I nodded. “Um, sure. Yes, where do we meet?“

“Your house or mine?“ He smirked. I gasped. “I'm kidding Honey, we could meet at a cafe or something. I have a friend that owns a cafe.“

“That's alright.“ I nodded. He didn't say another thing.

“Do I make you uncomfortable?“ He asked. “I feel like you're uncomfortable.“

Yes, I was. But in a good way. “I'm not uncomfortable.“

“You know what?“ He smiled. “Scratch out the French practice on Saturday. We can practice during class here.“

“I'm not uncomfortable.“ I told him. I thought I almost sounded desperate, as if begging him for the French practice. “I need extra practice if I'm going to get better at French, school is going to resume and I want to be able to converse with people.“

“You know, a lot of people here speak English.“ He smiled. “Don't worry about learning a lot of French.“

“I believe it's rude to live in Paris and not bother about learning their language.“ I told him. He nodded.

“I'll text you the place.“ He said. “You'll text me the time you're free.“

“Sure.“ I said. And he stood up to leave.

“You're not attending the class?“ I asked.

“I don't need the class. I came here to see you.“ He smiled. “Help me tell Miss Sophie I had a bit of trouble.“

I shook my head in disbelief. “See you on Saturday Lucien.“

“See you then too.“ He waved as he walked out and when Clarice came in and when the class started and when everyone sat down and paid attention to the teacher, it felt like I had some secret within me and it involved Lucien Ravel.


Class ended. Clarice said to me that we wouldn't be going anywhere because her dad called and she had to see him early. It was then that I remembered how lonely I was, no friend except Clarice, and literally nothing to do with my life. I decided to walk home instead of calling the driver. I had already mastered the way home and I was sure I wouldn't get lost.

I started my walk, I didn't have my headphones with me so I couldn't listen to music. Instead, I looked around me, the restaurants with sweet smells coming from them, the old woman who sold flowers, the kids on the streets playing around and reminding me of my brother. I hadn't walked too far when I heard the sounds of instruments playing, I looked around and saw people gathered around something or someone, it turned out to be a group of musicians, a female soloist, a drummer and a guitarist and they reminded me of home. Home was in Beverly, not in Paris. Everything in Paris was almost unfamiliar. I took out my phone to take a picture, I was going to send it to Sally when I got back to Andre's house.

I stayed around until the song ended then I tipped into the box they used to collect money people gave to them. I thought the song was nice. It could probably be an original.

“Do you like live music?“ my phone beeped and that was the message that came in. It was from Lucien.

“Why do you ask?“ I texted back. I remembered him saying he wasn't asking me out yet. I had let his words slip through my mind. I didn't want to think of it.

“Turn to your right, Honey.“ He texted back and I did as he asked and there he was, wrapped in a cream colored shirt different from what I had seen him put on in the morning. His hair was gelled backwards and it made me sad, I liked seeing him with his hair down, it made him seem easy to be with.

“You are here?“ I frowned.

“I was here the whole time.“ He said. “You seemed to like it. Do you like live music?“

“I go to concerts.“ I told him with a nod of my head. “Live music is cool, I guess.“

“Ever been to an opera show?“ He smirked. “I bet that's something you haven't seen before.“

“i haven't.“ I told him. “Is there anyone coming up soon?“

“There is,” He nodded “But I won't tell you unless you agree to go there with me.“

“I can easily look one up.“ i said, flashing my phone in front of him.

“The Internet doesn't know what's good and what's not, I do.“ He told me.

“I like to experience things.“ I told him. “I'll go to every theater, one after the other.“

“it's more fun to go with someone.“ He said, “I know which seats are the best.“

“is there such a thing as a bad seat?“ I asked, he nodded. He placed his hand above my head and brought it to where it measured on his chest. He was stating the obvious that he was taller than me and that I would definitely come across people like that in theaters who would obstruct my view. I flushed.

“Let me go with you.“ He smiled.

“Why do you want to?“ I asked. Why did he want anything to do with me? We'd only known each other a few weeks, haven't even spoken much and I've pretty much avoided eye contact with him. (Because he's so good looking and his good looks might burn my eyes.)

Lucien smiled. This wasn't one of his sweet smiles, this was different, but I had no words to describe it and what he told me afterwards had me searching for something to balance my weight on. He said. “I like you and I want to get closer to you.“

“You like me?“ I stuttered. “Why? How?“

“I know it's weird.“ He said. It was weird to like me? “But when I came into the class, the first time I saw you, I kind of just wanted to swallow you up. That's the only way I can explain how I feel now.“

I nodded. “okay, thanks for telling me.“

“You're not going to do anything about it?“ His eyebrows furrowed, “you won't let me take you to a theater? I know the best sits.“

“I haven't thought about it yet.“ I told him. “I barely know you.“

“And if you want to completely know me, Honey, you'd have to get closer to me.“ He said this and he walked away, towards the path I was coming from. I tried to work but the weight of every word that transpired between Lucien and me made it impossible to walk. I called the driver.


“School begins in a week.“ Andre told me after dinner, we had done the necessary preparations and all that was left was to resume. It was a private school that was a four hour drive from his house, mom said she didn't want me to stay at the school hostel but I was convinced that was better. I did not say anything.

After my night time routine, I took out my phone, I sent the photos of the street performers to Sally and told her that I missed watching her drum. She was an intense drummer. Then I went on to reply Henry's message. He had replied to mine the night before, telling me he was fine but still a little heart broken about my absence. I also sent him the photos of the performers and told him that I would be going to an opera theater soon. I made a mental note to not go with Lucien, Henry and I were back together and hanging out with a boy or thinking he was better looking than my boyfriend was cheating.

Henry replied immediately. He sent photos of himself and Sally and a boy I didn't know, playing in Sally's garage. He asked if I had gone back to learning an instrument, I told him that I was going to but I hadn't spoken to my parents about it. I guessed he fell asleep afterwards, because he stopped replying my messages. An hour after waiting, I slept off too.


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