A thousand French kisses

Honest Sandler mother remarries and she has to move to Paris.

Torn from having to leave her friends and her boyfriend and move to a place with a different culture and no familiar face. Honest Sandler detaches herself from her family and everyone around her until she meets Lucien Ravel and his dashing smile.

I am going to be honest here, I got inspired by a book to write this novel and really I'm just having fun with it
It's about a girl who's separated from her friends and boyfriend and moves to Paris where she meets this guy who is very very in love with her. Honest Sandler is very bent on staying loyal to her long distance boyfriend but Lucien Ravel is so damn irresistible.

I know the main character's name "Honest" might sound unusual but I like it. Here in Nigeria, names like Honest, Favour, Champion, Forgiveness, Destiny, are very normal and I wanted to use a name I was familiar with. "Honey" is short for Honest and I think it's cute and fun stuff, the male character in the story goes by the name Lucy as short for Lucien. Anyways, that's all for it. I hope you enjoy reading the book, I don't know when I'll be done with it but be sure to check back for updates.

Preview of A thousand French kisses.

He had the most beautiful face anyone could ever imagine. He had golden brown hair, long eyelashes that hid his eyes, eyebrows that were perfectly arched and lips that_ lips that said - “Hey, Honey, right?“

I stood frozen in front of the most good looking guy I have ever laid my eyes on and I had lost my ability to speak. “er, yes.“

“Comment รงa va?“ He asked. We were in the French class and miss Sophie had paired us up to practice greetings and small conversations with each other. She paired me with him.

“Je vais bien, merci.“ I managed to say without looking stupid. He was sitting close to me on the same bench and I could see that even his eyes were golden brown. Every thing about him was golden.

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