Chapter Seven

None of the schools I have ever attended required me to wear uniforms but here I stood in front of my six feet wall mirror in my pink themed bedroom staring at my reflection. I had on a white shirt, a deep red skirt that stopped two inches above my knees, a jacket that matched the red skirt and my tie hanging loose around my neck. (I'm starting to realise that I need to eat a bit more, my knee bones are really poking out and I have little or no breast on my chest. I am well informed that breasts have everything to do with genes but I am convinced that if I eat more, they'll grow bigger. They make me insecure.)

Flash back to when Henry sent me the photo of he and Sally. Sally looking hot in her outfit and Henry looking like he was.... No! No flashbacks, I'm not thinking of Henry's hand around Sally.

Alright, fast forward to when Andre's driver dropped me off in front of my school and all of my anxiety came rushing back. The students all looked intimidating with their constant show of confidence, their light make up, their heavy make up and even the ones with no make up at all. I wanted to scream. It's been three weeks already and Paris was yet to have its appealing effect on me.

“Hey!“ A girl appeared in front of me, I realised she had been waiting at the gate for my arrival. “You must be Honest Boucher.“ She said.

“Yes.“ I nodded, it felt weird using Andrew's last name, I wanted to use my biological dad's last name but it would hurt mom's feelings. “Call me Honey, please.“ I told the girl.

“okay,” The girl smiled “Bonjour, Honey. Bienvenue dans cette grande école où nous sommes fiers de tout ce que nous avons à offrir. J'espère surtout que vous apprécierez votre temps ici avec nous.“

“Merci.“ I smiled awkwardly. My French understanding had greatly improved but my speaking skills were really poor.

(And yes. Author here again, I apologize, I have no idea of every French I have written in this book except little things like Merci, École, oui, and all those other words I was taught in school.)

The girl smiled “Je m'appelle Mirabel et je suis le président du corps étudiant”

I nodded. “Okay, Mirabel.“ She wrapped her arms around mine and led me into the school's building.

“Il est de mon devoir de vous aider à vous intégrer parfaitement dans votre programme." she said" So if you need my help with anything, don't hesitate to come to me.“

“I won't.“ I said. “Are you going to show me to my class?“

“ Non, je ne le ferai pa's. “ She said. “You'll have to figure it out yourself as I take you on a tour.“

“A tour?“

Mirabel smiled and spread her hands in the air in front of me. “Je suis le président du corps étudiant, Mirabel, et je vais vous faire visiter le Haut Royal."

"okay.“ I nodded. I was doing great with all this French thing. I was going to thank miss Sophie at the next class.

"It is a rule that every student must be part of a club.“ Mirabel read from a notebook. “Our parents pay a large sum of money for it so it's kind of a waste if you're not a part of any club.“

Parents? Mom and Andre? That kind of freaked me out to hear, not the mom part though, just the part where Andre was concerned. "What sorts of clubs are available?“ I asked.

"They are grouped into Sports, board games, verbal clubs.“ Mirabel smiled. "Don't think of becoming a cheerleader, Lea won't think you're cut out for it.”

Okay, I definitely had no plans to become a cheerleader but who was Lea to not think I was cut out for it? Was she some kind of Queen bee? Oh well, I didn't mind. If there was anything I wanted to do, it would be music.

“is there a music club?” I asked Mirabel but she didn't respond, she didn't seem to be paying any attention to me. Her mind was somewhere else, so where are eyes. And when I looked at the direction she was facing, I almost let out a croak.

Lucien Ravel dressed in uniforms that matched mine, walked through the hall way with a broad smile on his face, his hair brushed front ways and parted in the middle, stopping at his eyebrows. I suddenly remembered that I might have unintentionally left him waiting for me for the French practice. I looked away, not like he would notice me anyways. A bunch of girls were making passes at him. (it was no surprise if he was a popular kid.) But it was a big surprise that he was attending the sane school that I was to attend. Did things like things not only happen in movies and books?

“That's Lucy Ravel.“ Mirabel squealed into my ear. “He's to die for.“

He's good looking, I most definitely know that, but he's not to die for. I definitely wouldn't die for any guy.

“Does he have a girlfriend?“ I found myself asking. I was curious. I mean, I have every right to feel betrayed if he had a girlfriend, why would he ask me out for French practice or say he wasn't asking me on a date yet?

“Not since junior high.“ Mirabel answered. “He's never dated anyone since then, he attends parties alone, he's friends with everyone so don't get the idea that he's interested in you just because he's being nice to you. He broke Lea's heart. Poor girl. Lucy's heart was taken away by some one we don't ever talk about.“

Oh no, she's a Bruno? From the movie 'Encanto' we don't talk about Bruno.

Oh. I nodded. Not like I was interested in him. He was the one who came to me. I only thought he was good looking from afar. And I have a boyfriend (Henry) so no good looking guy with a nice smile and perfectly arched eyebrows could make me cheat on my boyfriend. “About the music club?“ I tried to get back Mirabel's attention.

“Ah Oui.“ She smiled. “You'll find them in Le côté nord. But first you'll have to fill an application letter in the counsellor's office.“

Mirabel led me to wherever the principal's office was and thankfully all the thoughts of Lucien flew away from my mind, I was more focused on knowing the classes I had to take and the places I'll have to be and the time I have to be at these places and just in case you predicted, I want to have you know that you guessed wrong. No, Lea is not a mean girl and yes, I did come across Lucien Ravel on my way to class.


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