Chapter Six

I wasn't getting used to it. I was still waiting for things to end and for my mom to start processing another divorce but still I sat at the dining table having lunch with her, my brother and Andre Boucher who my brother was beginning to love. Not me, I just couldn't bare the thought of having to separate from someone I love. The separation was inevitable.

“you're not eating your food, Honey?“ Mom asked me, I rolled my eyes. I never did like her spinach puffs.

“I have to meet someone today.“ I told them, mom raised a questioning eyebrow, Andre tried his best to look like he did not mind. As per his work, he was only ever free on Saturdays and Saturdays indirectly meant family day. Last night, mom had come to my room to tell me that I would be joining them on their date to wherever my brother had decided to go. I told her I couldn't. (I had to meet Lucien for the French practice.)

“And who's that and for what purpose?“ Mom asked. “Cancel it.“

“Mom!“ I placed my cutlery on the desk trying to show she was upsetting me. “I told you.“

“And I'm telling you to cancel it.“ Mom snapped at me. “We are all going out and no one is going to be left out.“

“Perhaps we can excuse her for this weekend.“ Andre smiled. “She's a teenager, my love, we need to let her grow.“

“Perhaps not.“ My mom said. I hated it when she was being strict. “She's our daughter and needs to follow our rules.“

“Your daughter.“ I said under my breath. I was her daughter, not Andre's daughter, not their daughter. I could feel the tension in the air when I said. “Family time? Sure, let's do it.“

Mom nodded. “Good.“ She smilied at Andre who looked like he didn't want to get involved. “Honest is really understanding most of the time.“

“Ah, it's fine.“ He smiled. “You'll love where we're going today, I promise.“

I picked up my fork and stabbed it into my spinach puff. I had something of a date with a good looking guy my age, what sort of place would we go to that could beat that.


Peles Castle, Romania! My brother had literally picked this place to spend a weekend and Andre had agreed to it. How rich was he anyways?

A car came to pick us up at the airport and I was beginning to doubt that a day with Lucien Ravel could beat this. “Wait!“ I yelled.

“Is there a problem?“ Andre seemed concerned. Perhaps he thought I was going to run away, something a rebellious teenager would do. I wasn't rebellious in any way (Plus, I loved a life of luxury, running away meant I'd have to start working. I wasn't cut out for hard work.)

“I just need to take a picture.“ I smiled shyly as I took out my phone, I wanted to brag to Sally that I flew to Romania for the weekend.

“Oh,” Andre smiled. “ Are you going to post the pictures on your feeds? I would like to follow your social accounts.“

“I don't have any social account.“ I told him. I watched, surprised as he collected my phone from me, he gestured for me to move to where it would be better for him to take a picture, he took a few and then he took one of me and my brother. My mom said she wasn't going to take pictures at an airport that it was just improper. Andre took a few selfies with my phone. And then as he gave it to me, he asked what brand of phone I would like before school resumed. I was immediately happy, I did want a new phone, I had to whine for months to get my mom to change my phones but I hated that he was trying to buy my love with money so I said no. I told him I was fine with what I had, he nodded and looked away.

The castle was huge, as we toured the rooms and gardens, I took pictures but I didn't enjoy one bit of it. I was an outcast, I felt like an outcast. My brother, my mom and Andre were moving together, talking and laughing and I was away in the front not wishing to engage in their conversation. By the time we were lodged in our hotel, I was already exhausted from all the walks and the foods. I took my bath and went to bed and when I woke up, I saw that he had texted.

Henry's message appeared on my phone screen, I was quick to reply and he was quick to respond. I told him I was in Romania and that we went to a castle. He told me he played at a club with Sally and he sent me a picture. Sally was dressed in a gothic way with her blonde hair flowing down to her waist, she had used attachments. She wore a bra as a top, a black high waist trouser and waist beads, her drum sticks hung on her ears. She pulled off a look that I could never pull even in a hundred years but what puzzled me was that Henry had his arms around her shoulders and was staring at her. The way he used to stare at me.

I pushed me thought out of my mind, Henry could cheat on me, I didn't doubt that but Sally was my friend and she wouldn't do something like that. (No one would have anything to do with their friend's boyfriend - that sort of thing only happens in real life right? This is a work of fiction, such heartbreaks shouldn't happen.)

My brother knocked on my hotel door the following morning, he came to tell me to come down for breakfast. Whatever happened to room service.) I told him I would be ready in a few minutes, I brushed my teeth and combed my hair and when I reached the luxurious space designed for our breakfast, I wished I had changed my clothes. I would have taken a picture or two.

“Pajamas?“ My mom questioned but I didn't answer, I took my sit beside my brother and we started eating. Andre asked me how my night was, my brother talked about all the places he wanted to go, my mom focused on her meal and before I knew it, our stay in Romania was extended. (What the actual beep.)


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