Chapter Ten

The planning team wanted me and they put me to work immediately. Didn't the school have enough staffs? Why did students have to be in charge of making rosters and filling out bulletin boards. And we were assigned to two or more students to ensure that they were taking classes seriously, things teachers should be doing. The only good part of it was we were in charge of parties and we get nothing less than a C in all our classes which meant I would be an average student if I didn't put in much work. Sweet.

Bitter! It was stressful as hell.

“Hey.“ Naomi smiled at me. “You'll get used to it. Just so you know, cafeteria food is free once you get your identity card. And we're basically in charge of the school.“

“I suck at being in charge.“ I told her. “But I'm looking forward to doing this without breaking down.“

Naomi laughed. “I'll be cheering you on. Why did you join this group in the first place?“

“It was available.“ I told her. “I wanted to join the music club but there wasn't any vacancy.“

“oh those selfish people.“ Naomi hissed. “We've tried to cancel them out but they never get cancelled.“

“We can get them cancelled?“ revenge wasn't so bad.

“If there's proof of their injustice.“ Naomi sighed. “They suck.“

“Yeah I told them that.“ I laughed.

“Especially Adam.“ Naomi sighed. “But he has such dreamy eyes.“

“Yeah, he does.“ I sighed as well. And then we laughed.

“You're in grade PremiΓ¨re, right?“ Naomi asksed and I told her yes. “Will you try out for the president spot?“

“School's president?“ I asked? Why would I try out for that? I'm not cut out for it. I'm not cut out for anything.

“Yeah, I just think you have the face for it.“ Naomi smilied. “During lunch, you can come sit with us, we have a clean spot at the cafeteria and we get our food delivered to us.“

“Really?“ I asked.

“Yes.“ Naomi asked. “we make students serve us.“

“Thats wrong.“ I told her. “That's bullying.“

“Only if you're not nice to the kids.“ Naomi smiled. “We help them out sometimes so they try to win our favor.“

Okay. I nodded. Cool I guess.


I have never been bullied but I've always felt inferior. Inferior to Sally, inferior to a lot of other girls in school, most times I hated my appearance, I wish I could be blond like Sally and have tanned skin and no freckles but I was half Asian and half American and it didn't do me any good.

“Hey.“ I looked left to Lea who was smiling at me. We were at the cafeteria ordering lunch

“Hi, I didn't see you for a while, looked for you everywhere.“ She told me.

“I was trying out for clubs.“ I shrugged. “There's no problem, is there?“

“Well none.“ She smiled. “I'm guessing you've found a club, was hoping to get you into the cheer team.“

“oh, nice.“ I nodded. “But I'm not much of a smiler.“

“Cheerleading is not just the sport of smiles, you are aware that we do other things right?“ She had a frown on her face. “we stunt.“

“i do, I know.“ I told her and I almost screamed when she placed her tray on the table in front of us and did a double back flip.

Sweet mother of monkey milk. And then we became best friends.

Lea Simon is obviously the coolest girl in Le Haut Royal, she looked pretty in her uniform, no, she looked prettier than everyone. Her ginger blonde hair was styled in a pony tail and swung in such a graceful way and her smile was just perfect.

“Hey, Lea.“ A guy from group of boys on a table called “There's an extra chair here.“

“is there one for my friend?“ she asked. And I watched a random boy from the group stand up from his chair to move to another.

“Now there is.“ The guy told Lea and we both went to the seat with the boys. At first I thought i would just be invisible since who they cared to invite was Lea but the boys spoke to me, first in French then in English after Lea told them I was from california. They asked about my school and if I was single and if I hated their school uniforms. They spoke about parties and told me I was invited and they shared their food with me. It was nice, my first day of school wasn't completely bad. I couldn't wait to tell Sally.


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