Chapter Three

"Beginner level." I read the label on the door. Andre had registered me in a French learning class for foreigners so I could pick up a few words before school resumed. Mom's idea, while my brother got a home lesson teacher, still mom's idea. We are three days now in Paris and it hasn't really been exciting since all we've done so far is stay indoors and watch movies. Andre says he's planning a short vacation for us, the first we'll spend as a family but first he's got to deal with his business first. I was a little glad he had a reasonable source of income, not one he could up and quit but one he had to grow because it belonged to him.

"Are you going in or not?" Someone asked me. A girl, I turned around to see a bright smiling orange dyed haired girl in colorful clothes like she popped out of a box of crayon. "Are you going in? You're blocking the entrance."

"Oh." I nodded and moved away giving her room to pass but she didn't.

"I'm Clarice." She said, putting her hand out for a shake.

"Honey." I said, taking her hand into mine. I waited for her to wince at hearing my name but she didn't. I wondered if her reaction would remain the same if I told her that my real name was actually 'Honest' and that my parents had a weird way of naming their children.

"Hi Honey, I'm Clarice." She said again, I almost reminded her that she had already mentioned her name to me but I didn't. I didn't want to sound rude. She opened the door to let us in, I didn't know if I should be thankful that we were the first to arrive or not. "Sit next to me." she said and I did just that. Soon enough more people started coming in and they looked middle aged, i felt a bit uncomfortable but I got better when more students around my age group came in. Clarice was quick to welcome them, she was lively and I thought it was a little annoying since most people (me) loved their personal space and didn't exactly entertain anyone looking to be good friends.

The French teacher was female, and she introduced herself as miss Sophie and told us to be comfortable with her, and made us introduce ourselves to the class so we could all be friendly with each other since we would be spending a few months together. “Salut tout le monde, je m'appelle Clarice.“ Clarice said, she was the first person to begin introducing and she introduced herself in French seemed like she was challenging others to do so as well. And I was next. And my French was nothing to write home about. “bon aprรจs-midi, je m'appelle Honey.“ I managed to say. It felt like I made it worse, I should have spoken in English, now most people in the class would have a had time introducing themselves.

Soon enough we were done, the introductions caused a laugh and the class became lively. We were few minutes into simple sentences when the door opened and a boy walked in. ( he wasn't a boy, my brother was a boy. This is a guy.) (let me rephrase.) we were few minutes into simple sentences when possibly the most good looking guy I have ever laid my eyes on walked in and was it my imagination or was he really staring at me? I looked away, he would think I was weird for staring at him. (wait, everyone was staring at him, he was late to class so obviously he would have every one's attention. Why did I feel so weird.)

“Bonjour miss Sophie.“ He smiled. “Pardonnez-moi. J'avais un problem.”

“vous auriez dรป appeler ou envoyer un SMS” Miss Sophie replied, what ever they were saying, I had no idea. I don't even know if the words are used properly.

(Hi there! I'm the author of this possibly awesome book and I have only one percent knowledge of French or anything that has to do with Paris. I have never been there but I hope to go there. And Italy as well, I hope to go to Italy. Anyways, I apologise to every French person out there and every person who understands French and to every person who does not understand French, I ask that you forgive me if I make any French mistakes in this book. Thank you. Kisses.)

However, their conversation ended and the guy went to a desk at the back of the class. He didn't contribute much during the entire class.

After Class, the next thing to do obviously was to go home but Clarice, my supposedly new friend wanted to try out a restaurant that was at the other side of the road and I was tempted as well. I loved food, I wanted to send Sally a picture of a Paris cuisine. So we went to the other side of the road and I almost tripped because the most good looking guy I have ever laid my eyes on was there as well, slurping up some spaghetti and looking like he was advertising the pasta brand. He looked at me, he waved. I looked away.

“What are we getting?“ I asked Clarice.

“We are not supposed to have any idea.“ She smiled. “You know, my aunt told me that the best way to learn French is by practicing ordering food in French at a local restaurant where you don't expect anyone to speak English.“

“Oh.“ I nodded. So we were here to practice French, not eat?

A man in a uniform came to us and said somethings in French which I suspected to be him asking us what we wanted.

“puis-je voir le menu?“ Clarice said through clicking tongues. The man replied with “Oui” which is not foreign to me.

Soon we were sitting at a table waiting for our food and when it came, I was already drooling. I took a picture or rather pictures before we started eating and I sent the ones I thought were good to Sally. “French food.“ I captioned.

“will you post it on Instagram?“ Clarice asked. “What's your handle.“

“I don't have one.“ I told her as I started to eat. “I'm not necessarily a big social media person.“

“Oh well, that's sad.“ Clarice shrugged. “I am, you should create an account and follow me. I have a good sixty thousand followers. Sixty thousand people who love my lifestyle.“

I looked at her, smiled and nodded. “Your lifestyle, is quite interesting.“

“Merci.“ Clarice chuckled. She toyed with a few strands of her orange hair. “I want to dye it green.“ She said.

“Do you think green will look nice on you?“ I asked. 

“Do you think it will?“ She asked and I shrugged. 

“You won't know until you try it.“ I told her and then turned to my left because something caught my attention. It was the most good looking guy using a pair of glasses to reflect light that came through the window and he was directing the light rays to where I sat. I frowned at him, the light was blinding. And he smiled, his smile was made me sick to my stomach but in a good way. 

“That's the guy from class.“ Clarice said, the light had caught her attention as well. “We never did get to hear his name since he came late.“

“That's right.“ I nodded. I was starting to feel embarrassed, he must not have been smiling at me, he didn't know me.

“We should get his name.“ Clarice said, she was already standing up as she did and it was too late for me to pull her back. In a jiffy, she was seated opposite the guy with a big smile on her face. I watched from where I sat as she stretched out her hand for a hand shake, he took it. They talked about a few more things and he was smiling. Again, I felt sick to my stomach but this time it wasn't in a good way. I didn't even know the guy and I already wished I was the one seated opposite him stretching my hand out for a handshake. 

“His name is Lucy.“ Clarice told me after we finished our meal and paid. “He says that's what everyone calls him.“

“Oh.“ I nodded. I found it funny that his name was Lucy but I didn't say anything. 

“Is your home far from here?“ Clarice asked. “I wanted to see if we could walk home together.“

“Actually,” I told her. “I don't really know my way around, I'm supposed to call Andre's driver after class.“

“Who's Andre?“ She asked. She wasn't supposed to ask. 

“He's just Andre.“ I told her as I took out my phone, I couldn't explain to her that Andre was my step dad but I was yet to accept him. “You can wait, I'll see if the driver can both take us home.“

“Oh good.“ She smiled. “You're nice.“


I wasn't nice, I was being polite, I believed that there was a gap between the two things. I laid on my bed in my room. Pink walls and white furniture. Andre didn't say no to anything I wanted. How rich was he anyways? I scanned the room which almost resembled my room back at Beverly, it was such a shame that we would leave soon. (I believed we would. My mom has never been a great wife.)

“How was class today?“ She asked when during dinner. “Did you learn anything? Did you make any friends?“

“Did you have fun?“ Andre asked. “If you don't like the class, I can find you somewhere else.“

“it's fine.“ I told him. “Miss Sophie is a great teacher and I made a new friend.“

“What is her name?“ Mom asked. She had always been like that, wanting to know all of my friends and boyfriends and everyone I was hanging out with. 

“Her name is Clarice.“ I answered. “She's pretty cool.“

“okay.“ Mom nodded. “I'll get to know her soon.“

  “I would have had friends too if you didn't let me get home schooled.“ My brother complained. 

Andre and mom had agreed that my brother would have to be home schooled for a year, learn more of French so that he wouldn't have problems when he started school. Andre said it would be better for him but I being old enough would learn to cope my new environment. I didn't think it was so bad. 

“It's just for a year.“ Mom told my brother. “You'll get to enjoy it and you can make friends with the neighbors.“

Would the neighbors be friendly? As far as I knew we lived in an estate where everyone lived in big houses and had their gates closed all the time to prevent outsiders, and people who wanted to make friends with neighbors. I laughed thinking of Clarice, if she was a neighbor, I would definitely lock her out. (she talks a lot.)

After dinner, I retired to my room. I brushed my teeth because I liked the taste of fluoride on my tongue. I took out my phone to see if Sally had replied to my messages. She had. She sent a heart emoji and said she would like to visit Paris once. She sent a video of her drumming in her garage. Henry was with her playing a bass guitar. 

Henry and I hadn't texted since I left Beverly, the reason being I messed up. We had finally decide to go further with our relationship which was supposed to bring us closer physically and emotionally but I had somehow managed to ruin our eighteen months relationship in one night which I didn't believe was enough reason for us to break up, in fact, we weren't broken up, we just hadn't spoken to each other since then.

 I decided to send him a message. “Hi Henry, how have you been?“ I pressed the send button and hoped he would reply soon. He didn't and I slept off. And I saw his face in my dreams. 


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