Chapter Eight

Lea Simon is not the French version of Sally but just like my best friend back at Beverly, Lea was really nice and welcoming and plus, spoke English to me first time we met and not French. “Maybe it's because you are American and I didn't want to make things awkward for you by speaking a language you might not very well understand.“She had told me when I asked her about it. Almost every one who has ever spoken to me spoke in French.

“Well, you are in Paris anyways.“She shrugged. “And when you come to think of it, you reply to almost everything I tell you in French.“ She giggled, she poked my shoulder. “You're really good at it.“

But we had this conversation months later after we became friends. On my way to class (My first day in Haux Royal) I came across Lucien Ravel in the hallway. “Shouldn't you be apologising?“ He had asked.

“I'm sorry.“ I told him.

“Why are you apologising?“ He asked coming closer to me, I didn't move back, I didn't flinch, I stared at him eye to eye because I didn't want him to think he was having some sort of effect on me. (Guys liked to do that, they liked to show that they were guys. Is this the part where I have to say “not all guys though?”)

“I probably left you waiting.” I told him. “That was wrong on my part.”

He nodded. “yeah, it was. But it's cool, Are you heading to class?”

“Yes, but someone is in my way.” I smiled as I pushed him away, lightly, then moved past him . “Will i see you around? I have a totally acceptable excuse for skipping the French practice, will you take me up on it again?”

“I'll think about it.” He scoffed. “And yes, you will see me around. I checked and saw that we have chemistry.”

His words cut me off guard, “Chemistry?”

He laughed. “Not some kind of attraction, Honey, I meant chemistry class.“

“Oh. Oh” I nodded as I understood. Well the way he said it wasn't the way he was supposed to say it but it didn't really matter.

“Save a seat for me.” He said. “I don't mind sitting in front of the class if that's what you're into.”

“I'm more of a middle seat kind of person.” I smirked, I began walking backwards so I could still see his face and still increase the chances of getting to class on time.

“See you then, Honey.” He smiled, the kind of smile that made me want to buy a new necklace and put it on so that he would see it and stare at my collar bones . (I have pretty collar bones. Most people found collar bones attractive, was he one of them? It would help if he was. Wait! Why did I want him to find me attractive? Okay, chill, Honest, you have a boyfriend.) I constantly needed to remind myself.

I looked away. I walked straight to class and that was where I met Lea Simon. She sat in front of me fixing her hair and strands of it fell on my face. “I'm sorry” she said. “I would have done this in the rest room but It would make me late for class.”

“Pas de problΓ¨me.” I said as I picked her hair strands, I handed it to her and she collected it with a surprised look on her face.

“I'm Lea.” She said. “You're new here.”

“I'm Honest.” I told her, I had no idea why I felt the need to tell her my real name which I was very insecure about. I guess it was one of the things I did to know who I should keep close and who I shouldn't. Most people's first reaction to hearing my name made me conscious of them.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Honest? That's a peculiar name. I bet your parents have their reasons.”

“I never asked. I don't want to know the reason behind it.” I chuckled.

“I was named after my late grand mother.” She told me. “My parents say that I am her reincarnation, I was born the very day she died but I look nothing like her.”

“oh.” I bit my lower lip having nothing to say. She only smiled.

“Has Mirabel given you a tour of the whole school yet?” She asked. “She sucks at her job.”

“She gave me perfect directions to the principal's office.” I shrugged. “She was cool half the time.”

“And i bet half the time she was telling you all the dos and don'ts in the school so you don't end up becoming a leper.” Lea rolled her eyes. (Just in case you don't know, figuratively, a leper is a pariah, an outcast, the lowest of the food chain.)

“She did say I wasn't cut out to be a cheer leader.” I shrugged. “Not that I have any interest in being one.“

“Why?” Lea frowned. “We need all the pretty faces in this school as cheerleaders.“

Did she call me pretty? Sally is pretty, Lea is pretty too and so is Clarice even with her colored hair, but me?

“You don't think you're pretty?” Lea gasped, she must have noticed the look on my face. “Even if you aren't, you should always believe that you are.”

I nodded. I couldn't say anything else, not like there was anything to say but I just couldn't say anything because the teacher walked in and it meant everyone had to be quiet.

“Is it different from your old school?” Lea asked immediately the class was over and we were heading off to wherever.

“Everything is different in Paris.” I said. “it's so different.“

“You'll love it eventually.” She told me. “People always do. It's Paris! I have lived here for more than a decade and I'm still overwhelmed by it's beauty.”

“You haven't lived here your whole life?” I asked and she said she hadn't. She told me she had been born in Paris but had lived in London for most of her growing up.

It was to be expected, Lea and I would be friends.


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