Snow white fandom

Snow white fandom. 

I've always loved snow white as a kid, I love how gentle she Is and how she made friends with the dwarves and how lovely her voice sounds when she sings. She's one of my favourite princesses. 

I've always thought Snow White's romance was very short lived so I wanted to write mine, about how she met the prince and how they fell in love and how he woke her up from her deep sleep with true love's kiss. Overall, I think Snow White's story is beautiful and can be rewritten in many ways. Oh and I like the kristen stewart snow white, probably because I like Kristen Stewart. 

Here is my version of Snow white. 

The story of snow white began when her mother, the queen traded her heart for a child. In a kingdom far far away, surrounded by an enchanted forest, there lived a king and a queen without a child and they were running out of time. The queen therefore summoned courage and went to the forest witch for help who requested the queen's heart in exchange for a child. Months after the princess is born, the queen gets sick and dies and the king remarries choosing for a wife, the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. 

The new queen was kind to everyone and loved the ING excessively but she bore a secret within her heart and behind her face and just as the forest witch had prophesized, a woman who has exchanged her beauty for power will overthrow the king and take over the kingdom. 

Snow white Fandom
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