Snow white fandom

Snow White fandom

The night breeze swept the forest like a woman's garment laughing and tormenting the ears of the figure hiding inside a cloak. The figure walked quickly as if running away from someone or something or as if running towards something. The creatures in the forest all hid in their homes watching and waiting for something to happen, they had to be at alert in case of necessity for fear that their lives or home would be destroyed, all except the vultures who waited high on a tree knowing that if the figure in the cloak were to make any mistake, it would mean food for them. Unfortunately, there was none.

The figure in the cloak got to the centre of the forest where no flowers bloomed or even weed dare to grow. The middle of the forest was a bare ground that housed the forest witch, it was the portal to her realm. The figure got rid of her cloak as soon as she reached the bare ground to reveal herself, she was a stunning woman dressed in rich linen, golden hair that fell down to her waist and wrists that was covered in jewelries, her presence woke the forest witch from her slumber causing the witch to yell at a high pitch. “Who dares to awaken me?“

“It is I, Queen sapphire.“ The figure said offering a curtesy to the witch. “I have come to seek your help.“

“Hmm.“ The witch cackled. “My help? I do not help my queen, rather I bargain.“

“I understand.“ The queen said. “I have come to bargain with you.“

The witch laughed again, this time louder. “What do you possibly have that I may want? Golds and silver, I have all. Respect and glory, I lack none.“

“There is a rumor that the forest is in dire need of a heart.“ The Queen cried and fell to the ground, if you give me a child this coming winter, you will have my heart by spring.“

“Hmm. A tempting offer.“ The witch smiled. “One must not bargain with a witch, I am very greedy, the only reason you are not dead for being here is because you are the queen.“

“And what else do you want?“ The queen asked. “All but the kingdom I can give, for it is not mine but the king's.“

“Oh keep your little kingdom with you.“ The witch hissed. “It is far small and your subjects are miserable.“

“Then what do you want?“ The queen asked, “For I am in dire need of a child.“

“I should say that your heart is enough.“ The witch cackled but I am tempted to ask for more. If truly you want a child then you should have no problem bringing the king's heart to me.“

The queen cried. “I cannot. Without the king, I am nothing. Please, take my heart instead, I am here because of the king, if he does not have a child then everything he has ever worked for his whole life will be for nothing.“

“Then by winter you shall have a child and by spring your heart will be mine.“ The witch said, “But you are no fun at all, your highness.“

The queen rose to her feet. “What do you mean?“

“You should have asked to own the kingdom yourself, the king is but a puppet under the hands of his subject. A queen will arise and she will rule and perhaps it is the daughter you now carry in your womb or someone else with thirst for power.“

“Then I should warn the king of this.“ The Queen said. “Thank you for telling me.“

“Oh my queen, there is naught that can be done for it is a wish I already granted in exchange for beauty.“ The witch laughed. “In exchange for beauty I gave power, in exchange for a heart I gave a child.“ The witch sang. “What do you want, oh what do you want and what do you have to offer the forest witch?“

And in one puff of smoke, the witch disappeared and a sudden chill enveloped the forest, the queen ran back to where she came from and when it was winter, she gave the king a daughter whose skin was as white as snow, whose hair was as dark ad ebony, whose eyes was as blue as the sky and whose voice was as soft as a whisper and as spring approached, the Queen grew sick and on her dying bed she ordered the butcher to take out her heart, keep it in a chest and offer it to the forest witch and all this was done without the knowledge of the king. 

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