Snow white fandom

Snow white fandom 
Chapter Two

The wicked Queen 

The king made the beautiful woman his queen and the mother to his princess and he became the happiest man in the kingdom but as the days and months and the years went by, the king grew sick and died. There was great sorrow in the kingdom and the people cried.

Snow white, now at the young age of ten was depressed and locked herself in her room all day, crying for the loss of her father and the queen who was secretly behind the death of the king did not bother to check on the little girl.

A year after the king's death the king's men came together to discuss the new ruler of the kingdom which was supposed to be snow white. As the queen heard this, she became furious. Years ago, she had gone to see the forest queen and exchanged her beauty for witchcraft, she knew that with magical powers she would be able to get what she wanted. And with magic spells she casted a spell on her now ugly face as she was obsessed with being the fairest woman in the land.

Deep down the queen was sad over losing her beauty, she looked like a ugly old woman after giving her beauty to the forest witch and since then she had been living under a magic veil and swore to use her magic spells to remain the most fairest woman in the land. She became even more greedy when the King requested her hand in marriage simply because he fell in love with her beautiful face, she then decided that she would take over the kingdom and rule as Queen forever. She would use her powers to make herself live forever, she would be the most feared Queen in the land.

As the king's men gathered to discuss Snow White's coronation, the queen cast a spell on them so that they would do whatever she wanted. She then banished Snow White away to her Aunt Helda in another kingdom. Nothing would be able to stop her now. She was a powerful witch and a Queen. 
