Snow white fandom

Chapter Three

The Queen ruled the land in the most wicked ways, she increased the taxes and paused the exchange of goods between other kingdoms and did not allow anyone to leave the kingdom. People were thrown into prison for the slightest mistake, once the cook accidentally spilled water on the table and the Queen had her banished to prison for thirty one months but as all of this happened, Snow White was with her aunt, growing beautiful.

The king and queen of the kingdom where she had been sent to had fallen in love with the little princess and allowed her into their castle. She lived and played with the royal children and had fallen in love with the king's son. He loved her back in return.

In the morning before breakfast, Snow White and the prince would go horseback riding. “Catch me if you can, you slug!“ Snow white would laugh at the Prince. And in the evening before bed, they would take a stroll around the palace and talk about everything.

The prince loved Snow white and his father and mother approved of it. When they were fifteen, they were betrothed but something else also happened. Snow White's step mother had discovered something awful.

The wicked Queen had a talking mirror that only spoke the truth. He told her she would become queen and he told her how the king would die and whenever she was feeling angry and sad, he would remind her that she was the fairest woman in the world but now it was different. The wicked Queen was no longer the fairest woman in the world even with all her magical powers.

“Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest in the world?“ The Queen asked the woman.

“Only the loveliest, only the fairest, with skin as rich as milk and and lips the color of rose. Hair as black as coal and eyes as blue as seas is no one but the princess Snow white.“ The mirror answered.

“Ahhh!“ The Queen screamed. “How can it be? She is only an ordinary princess.“

“A princess she is, ordinary she is not. She is a gift from the forest witch in exchange for a heart.“ The mirror answered.

The Queen frowned. “The forest witch? The same witch who gave me my powers.“

“The forest witch, the one who is always asleep. Yes she is the one.“ The mirror answered.

“What do I do to get rid of Snow white?“ The Queen asked the mirror.

“The fairest in the land is snow White, the fairest in the world is snow white of she was no more the fairest in the land would be you.“ The Mirror answered.

The Queen nodded. She knew what she had to do. There was only one way for her to take back her position. The late King himself had said it, someone with beauty such as hers should never bow to anyone. 
