Chapter Four

He had the most beautiful face anyone could ever imagine. He had golden brown hair, long eyelashes that hid his eyes, eyebrows that were perfectly arched and lips that_ lips that said - “Hey, Honey, right?“

I stood frozen in front of the most good looking guy I have ever laid my eyes on and I had lost my ability to speak. “er, yes.“

“Comment รงa va?“ He asked. We were in the French class and miss Sophie had paired us up to practice greetings and small conversations with each other. She paired me with him.

“Je vais bien, merci.“ I managed to say without looking stupid. He was sitting close to me on the same bench and I could see that even his eyes were golden brown. Every thing about him was golden.

“Aimez-vous Paris?" He asked and I just stared. I had no idea what he meant and he figured. He didn't laugh, he apologised. "I asked how far you've come to love Paris, you are new here, aren't you?"

I nodded. “How long have you been here? You know a lot of French.“

He smiled. “I am French. Born and raised in Paris, I've been here for around seventeen years or so.“

“oh.“ I nodded again."Cool.“

“i can help your French get better.“ He said." We're partners anyways, so I guess it's my job to help your French get better.“

“Why are you learning French if you're French?“ I asked. I found it weird.

“Reasons. I'll tell you in the future when we get closer.“ He grinned. His grin was big and brighter than Clarice's, and what did he mean by get closer in the future, that was like an invitation to be friends.

“My name is not Lucy.“ He said suddenly, I didn't ask. “It's more like a name I got used to being called.“

“What's your name?“ I asked. I wanted to know.

“Lucien.“ He smiled. “You can see where Lucy comes from. Everyone calls me Lucy.“

“Then I'll call you Lucy, if you're comfortable with it.“ I told him.

“I am.“ He said. “I'm comfortable with being called Lucy by everyone else, not by you.“

I frowned, did he find me odd that I shouldn't ever call him by his nickname, I knew I wasn't completely pretty and all. “I can't call you Lucy? Why?“

“If you call me Lucien, it'll make me think you're special to me.“ He smirked. “Did that make you cringe?“

No, it made my heart beat. “What do you mean?“ I asked.

“It'd be too soon to answer.“ He said. “We haven't practiced our French, we should get back to it.“

“Yes, sure.“ I said. “ Je m'appelle Honey, et vous?“

“Je m'appelle Lucien, ravi de vous rencontrer.“

“et toi.“ I said. It was the first thing that came to my mind.


It was a ritual for I and Clarice to visit a restaurant and order food in French or a store and try to bargain in french, today we were going somewhere farther. We were going shopping. Clarice Instagram page was filled with pictures of her in expensive clothes and designer shoes and a new color of hair. She had told me that her parents were some sort of business people that had no time for her and their method of parenting was giving her loads of money and allowing her to do whatever she wanted without supervision. She reminded me of my mom.

When I had told mom that I was going shopping with my friend, she had been happy and Andre had given me a credit card and had his driver take us to where ever we wanted. We went to Opulence vintage. And no, we did not speak any French.

I sent the photos to Sally “Shopping in Paris” I captioned. It's starting to be fun and I wish you were here. I didn't send the photos of Clarice and I to her just in case she felt she was being replaced. I asked about Henry and I told her I liked the video she sent of her drumming. When she replied, she asked the price of the clothes, said Henry was fine and they weren't talking much and she asked if my mom would let me take music lessons again. I said I would ask.

Henry was yet to reply my message. It's been almost a week now. Was our relationship going down the hill like mom predicted? I hated when my mom was always right.

Mom loved to bake and Andre loved to compliment her kitchen skills. All I did was ate. “Mom I'm not on a diet. Is this a sugar free donut?“ I asked, swallowing the already chewed donut in my mouth. “it tastes like water.“

“Oh, Honey, that's mine.“ Andre smiled. “I am on a diet.“

I pushed the plate towards him. “okay, enjoy.“ He took it gladly.

My brother sat next to me solving fractions his home school teacher assigned to him, he had never needed my help with any school problem and somehow it made me feel incapable.
“What are you doing?“ I asked.

“Homework.“ He answered. “You don't have any?“ I could hear the bitterness and sarcasm in his voice and I laughed.

“I've got to practice my French.“ I told him.

“Yeah, good for you.“ He said and continued with his fractions. I knew he wasn't happy with the way things were going for him but there was nothing I could do.

“Cookies shaped like a boy and his mom?“ Mom pushed a plate in front of my brother, he looked up from his book to take a cookie.

“If you're eating that, it means you're planning to go on a date with your mom and I next week Saturday.“ Andre said before my brother could eat the cookie. My brother ate the cookie.

“Where are we going?“ His face beamed. “Somewhere cool?“

“Well, we haven't exactly decided.“ My mom laughed. “we thought we could decide together.“

“Cool!“ My brother said, he pushed his homework aside. “This cookies would go well with yoghurt.“

“I'll go get that.“ Andre said and went towards the fridge.

“Mom, we haven't gotten to see the Eiffel tower yet.“ My brother whined. “I want to see it, can we go to see it?“

“Sure.“ Andre nodded. “I see it every day on my way to work, want to come to work with me?“

“Wouldn't that be boring?“ My brother hissed. “what kind of work to you do?“

“A little of this and a little of that.“ Andre smiled. “Come to work tomorrow and find out.“

“uhhhhh.“ My brother groaned and picked up another cookie. “Is this sugar free?“ He asked. My mom nodded.

“it's sugar free sweetie.“ She smiled. “Just the way you like it.“ my brother wasn't on a diet, he just never liked sugar as a child but he was still very active unlike me.

And it felt like the whole world was against me.


After eating my batch of sugar contained cookies and donuts, I went to my room and did my usual routine of brushing and taking my bath. I was ready to sleep when my phone beeped, I took out my phone and inputed the pass code to see the reason for the beep. It was a message from him.


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