chapter Nine

Chemistry class and I was more than nervous, no idea why. Wait, every idea why. Lucien asked me to save a seat for him. It was obvious that Lea was trying to get us to sit together. “Over here Honest, the front seats are the best.“

“im more of a middle seat person.“ I told her. I walked to a chair in the middle of the class and put my bag on the desk next to mine.

“Saving it for someone?“ Lea asked. She seemed surprised and offended. “Who?“

“Oh, it's..“ I tried to say but Lucien cut me off with his loud voice.

“Hey Honey!“ He grinned. “Saved my seat already?“

There wasn't a lot of students in the class but it felt like thousands of people were staring at me. Lucien walked up to me with a wide grin on his face. He looked like an excited puppy. “Hey.“ he said.

“Hey.“ I said back, I took back my bag from the seat I saved for me and he sat on it, he waved to Lea who had been standing still, mouth agape the whole time.

“You look like you've seen a ghost.“ Lucien frowned. “What's wrong?“

“Am I that transparent?“ I sighed. “Why'd you say my name like we're very close?“

“Aren't we?“ He asked. “We take French classes together.“

“That's not...“ I tried to say.

“I decided to forgive you for leaving me waiting.“ He said. “But there's a catch.“

“What's the catch?“ I asked.

“if I ever ask you out on a date, don't say no.“ He smiled.

I didn't smile. I looked away, I could feel color rising to my cheeks. I could tell Lea was still looking at us and when I looked up at her, she looked away.


During my free period, I found my way to the music club. I turned in the form I was asked to fill to the music teacher and I was introduced to the rest of the club members. They were a lot, and they were grouped, and I was an outcast.

“Hi,” I said. “I'm Honest Boucher and I play the keyboard.“

There were only a few responses and it only made me feel weird. “Aren't you guys supposed to welcome our newest member?“ The club teacher asked. “It's not everytime our population increases.

“Where are our manners?“ A guy at the back asked, I turned to face his direction and I lost the feeling in my legs, was every guy in Paris this handsome? The thing about French guys wasn't a myth?

“Hey, I'm Adam.“ He said “and welcome to the music club. Thing is, everyone is pretty much scared, if that's the right word to use.“ He looked to others for confirmation. “it's the beginning school and there's a presentation coming up and if you joinany group they wouldn't want to leave you out. We've all been preparing since last semester.“

“oh, okay, bummer.“ I nodded. “I should probably try out later.“ I nodded again.

“You don't have to go.“ The club leader said. “You can always attend classes and learn more and become part of a team.“

Yeah, right. They probably don't want me. “I don't know how things work around here since I'm new and all.“ I told the club teacher “but it sucks in here and you kind of suck as well.“

“Hey!“ The teacher gasped but I was already walking out the door, to hell with music anyways, to hell with Adam and his good looking face, Lucien is better looking than he is anyways.

I was in front of my locker when Mirabel appeared. “Good luck with the music club?“ She asked.

I jumped in surprise, she shocked me. “No.“ I told her. “They have this presentation going on and they don't want to leave me out so it's better I just attend classes but not be a part of them.“

“I should have warned you.“ Mirabel sighed. “They suck.“

“i told them that.“ I rolled my eyes.

“They're like a family.“ Mirabel said. “They've been together since day one, no one comes in and no one goes out.“

“I'm happy that they have a close relationship but I'm not interested.“ I slammed my locker shut. “I'm not joining any club, Andrew's money can go to the gutter for all I care.“ I said. I was upset.

“Calme-toi, Honey.“ Mirabel laughed. “I wanted to suggest starting your own club. There's no rule against it and your parents already paid for it. All you need is a permit from the principal.“

“Start my own club? How do I go about it?“ I asked.

“The usual way.“ She answered with a smirk. “Posters, advertisements, a video essay of it and all that.“

“That's a lot of work.“ I told her. “So not doing it.“

“Oh, okay well you should try other groups. It's mandatory.“

“isnt there some kind of one man group.“ I asked. “These aren't forced on us in california”

“Well sweetheart, this isn't california.“ Mirabel said., You can always join the planning team, they always need an extra hand and they're in charge of everything.“

“I'm not very good at being in charge.“ I told her. “I'll join something soon.“

“its part of your grades.“ Mirabel shouted as I walked away. To hell with my grades.


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