First thing a boy did was lie

I might in fact be the most delusional person you have ever met but sometimes I wonder if wanting things that should be wanted is something wrong. Trust me, I am the last person to ever beg for affection but it does not mean that I do not want it. Sometimes I like to think that love and a bunch of other things does not really exist, almost like it is made up and we are supposed to believe it because it kind of suits the thing that we need or want at the moment so anyways here is a bit of something I wrote with someone important in my mind. 

Title: I love you in hundreds of ways. 

"I love you" He said but I wished he had said, "You are important to me, you complete me, not a single day goes by that I don't think of you and envision you in my future. And if you ever go missing, I will search the heaven and the earth and the seas and even hell until I find you and when I do, I will make sure that you never leave me."

"I love you." He said but I wished he had said. "If there was more than one way to say how much I love you, I would. You bring chaos to my mind, the kind of chaos that makes me obsessed and possessive, I cannot say how much I adore you. You do not know how much I wish to undress you and lie next to you, not just our bodies touching but our souls so that instead of saying how much I love you, you could feel the level of affection I have got for you from the way that my heart beat."

"I love you." He said, and it hurt that I knew he was lying because I know there's a girl he talks to at night and I could never be her. 


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