My favourite thing to do

If I was asked what my favourite thing to do was a few years ago, I definitely would have mentioned writing or drawing or reading but now, now is different. As of now, my favourite thing to do is wake up early on a Sunday and take a stroll, taking note of cars that drive by and overly dressed people on their way to church or wherever it is they are going. It's peaceful and I might have gotten a bit addicted to it.

This is a picture of a flower I took on one of my morning strolls. It's half alive, I like to think I'm this way as well. 

When it comes to favourite things, I don't see it as hobbies because no I would not take a stroll as often as someone else might think. In fact, I am too lazy to even decide to stroll, the Sunday morning walks just hit me differently which is why I do them. It keeps me mentally sane and on other days I like to listen to music and pretend I'm dancing at a concert or in a ball room like the one in movies and sometimes I recite lines from a movie and pretend I'm a famous actress that is totally unrecognisable off screen. 

Those are my favourite things to do, I guess I should add writing to the list but I have been writing for so long that I no longer consider it a hobby but the bane of my existence.


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