
My pick for you

Snow white fandom

Snow white fandom.  I've always loved snow white as a kid, I love how gentle she Is and how she made friends with the dwarves and how lovely her voice sounds when she sings. She's one of my favourite princesses.  I've always thought Snow White's romance was very short lived so I wanted to write mine, about how she met the prince and how they fell in love and how he woke her up from her deep sleep with true love's kiss. Overall, I think Snow White's story is beautiful and can be rewritten in many ways. Oh and I like the kristen stewart snow white, probably because I like Kristen Stewart.  Here is my version of Snow white.  The story of snow white began when her mother, the queen traded her heart for a child. In a kingdom far far away, surrounded by an enchanted forest, there lived a king and a queen without a child and they were running out of time. The queen therefore summoned courage and went to the forest witch for help who requested the queen'

Snow white fandom

Chapter Three The Queen ruled the land in the most wicked ways, she increased the taxes and paused the exchange of goods between other kingdoms and did not allow anyone to leave the kingdom. People were thrown into prison for the slightest mistake, once the cook accidentally spilled water on the table and the Queen had her banished to prison for thirty one months but as all of this happened, Snow White was with her aunt, growing beautiful. The king and queen of the kingdom where she had been sent to had fallen in love with the little princess and allowed her into their castle. She lived and played with the royal children and had fallen in love with the king's son. He loved her back in return. In the morning before breakfast, Snow White and the prince would go horseback riding. “Catch me if you can, you slug!“ Snow white would laugh at the Prince. And in the evening before bed, they would take a stroll around the palace and talk about everything. The prince loved Snow white and his

A thousand French kisses

Chapter Two I have been on planes before, not once, not twice but I have never felt this sick in one. I'm guessing my mom noticed because she placed her palm on my forehead as if to check my temperature. I loved the times when she remembered she was a mother. It was some how unfortunate that I only had one younger sibling, if I had two, I wouldn't be sitting next to a stranger and trying not to come out as rude. I had my earphones on, with the sound blasting into my ears at full volume. I had prepared myself already for this flight : downloaded movies on Netflix, new songs on my Spotify to keep me curious, Sally's drum tracks to listen to and a fashion magazine although my fashion sense included a baggy shirt and a pair of shorts. Mom and my brother sat at the seats at the back so it meant if I ever needed something to eat, she was right there to provide it. The flight attendants seemed as irritated as I was but they seemed so used to it that the smiles plastered on their f

A thousand French kisses

Chapter one There was nothing good to watch on the television, typical Tuesday morning. I pressed the buttons multiple times on the remote to surf through the channels hoping I would come across something I'd like to watch, a reality show or some celebrity interview but nothing. There was nothing, nothing that sparked my interest. The sound of my mom singing 'chandelier' from the kitchen burned my ear drums and made my mood worse, my younger brother and his friends from next doors were all sprawled on the carpet covered floors coloring with crayons and water colors and messing up every where they laid their hands on with paints and wet papers and ink and of course my mom didn't complain about it because we would be moving out of the house and selling it off very soon but shouldn't cleanliness be a priority? Why did my brother and his friends think it was okay to mess up the whole place? Why was my mom preparing dinner at 4:30 pm and why was I seated on the couch and

Snow white fandom

Snow white fandom  Chapter Two The wicked Queen  The king made the beautiful woman his queen and the mother to his princess and he became the happiest man in the kingdom but as the days and months and the years went by, the king grew sick and died. There was great sorrow in the kingdom and the people cried. Snow white, now at the young age of ten was depressed and locked herself in her room all day, crying for the loss of her father and the queen who was secretly behind the death of the king did not bother to check on the little girl. A year after the king's death the king's men came together to discuss the new ruler of the kingdom which was supposed to be snow white. As the queen heard this, she became furious. Years ago, she had gone to see the forest queen and exchanged her beauty for witchcraft, she knew that with magical powers she would be able to get what she wanted. And with magic spells she casted a spell on her now ugly face as she was obsessed with being

Snow white fandom

Chapter one The wicked queen  It was the beginning of spring, flowers were beginning to blossom, the grasses were greener and the skies were bluer. Everyone was happy in the kingdom and rejoicing but no one was happier than the princess Snow white who was just told that she would have a mother. Growing up, she had been laughed at by other princesses who said she lacked grace and etiquette because she did not have a mother to raise her well with proper manners. All snow white ever wanted was a mother. Someone to look up to and today, she would finally have one. “Daughter, stop tapping your feet on the ground, you'll ruin the polisher's works.“ The king scolded his daughter who was giddy at the thought of having a new mom. “Oh, father, I am just so excited.“ The little girl giggled. “I want to know, will she be tall or short or fat or thin, will she be kind or rude like aunt Helda?“ “Your aunt is not rude, Snowy dear, don't say that about her.“ The king corrected.

Snow white fandom

Snow White fandom Prologue The night breeze swept the forest like a woman's garment laughing and tormenting the ears of the figure hiding inside a cloak. The figure walked quickly as if running away from someone or something or as if running towards something. The creatures in the forest all hid in their homes watching and waiting for something to happen, they had to be at alert in case of necessity for fear that their lives or home would be destroyed, all except the vultures who waited high on a tree knowing that if the figure in the cloak were to make any mistake, it would mean food for them. Unfortunately, there was none. The figure in the cloak got to the centre of the forest where no flowers bloomed or even weed dare to grow. The middle of the forest was a bare ground that housed the forest witch, it was the portal to her realm. The figure got rid of her cloak as soon as she reached the bare ground to reveal herself, she was a stunning woman dressed in rich linen,

The hate I give

I laid on my bed, scrolling through webtoon with a blanket over my head and it sucked cause I wish I had a novelty life. I wish the colors in my life was pink, yellow and green and no taint of black but there is and the stain is me.  Title: The hate I give.  I think people who keep journals and write diaries have no secret at all. People like me if I want to be honest, I have no secret at all. No big secret, no small secret because everything I have ever done has been brought to light and I have paid the price for it and even the one thing that should be called a secret but isn't is the fact that, (nope, can't say.) Anyways, I pay the price for it and is still paying and will forever pay. I am in debt to my own sanity which is pretty ill - defined. But no, I don't keep journals, at least not anymore because what exactly do I write in it. My daily life? About the boy I like? Or the girl? (My mind is much broader than I imagine) or the thing my dad did last week t